A new day..........
Election Day Is Here
Have You Not Received Your Voting Card Yet?
About Sue
For the last 15 years Sue, her husband Mike and son Chris have made Brooklin their home. Brooklin offered them a sense of community and a safe, vibrant place to raise a family. She is a dedicated volunteer in the community, giving many hours of her time and talents where needed. From participating in Scouting, School SCC's, BAM Lions Club, President of Group 74, mentor to youth and volunteering on many fundraising efforts, she is an active, passionate person who enjoys giving back to the community. Proud winner of the 2008 Phenomenal Women Award in Durham Region, she has enjoyed meeting and working with many members of the community and helped to shape the North Ward and the Town of Whitby. A successful business owner, she has operated her decorating/homestaging business "Room for Change" for 10 years here in Brooklin. She also is co-owner of "Lets Do Lunch" a businessowner's luncheon series based in Durham Region that bring dynamic businessowner's together to connect while raising funds and awareness for many local charities. Both businesses offer Sue the opportunity to reach out into the community and really make a difference each day. As a member of Council for the past two terms, Sue has gained a great deal of experience and looks forward to continuing her dedicated, passionate and accountable representation of the residents of the North Ward. Her calm demeanor, organized and businesslike approach is reflected in her perfect attendance at meetings and the long hours she dedicates to her constituents, their issues and concerns. |
My Vision for the Next Four Years- Important Issues I will be Working on for Our Future
Growth in the North Ward
I will use our Official Plan, which will guide a sensible, sustainable, "Made in Whitby" growth strategy, while providing opportunity to shape our future with a strong public voice. I will work toward preserving our hamlets, protecting green, natural areas and creating pedestrian friendly growth, while maintaining our community values. I will fight for rules and guidelines where intensification should occur. It should be rational and not have a negative impact on the surrounding areas. Our Transportation Plan and Cycling & Trails Plan will also lay a strong foundation and will work hand in hand to create a vibrant, accessible community where our decisions will affect how our residents get to work, how you shop, how you spend your recreation time and how the community will look. I will explore Green Opportunities where ever possible and will work with Public Works and the community to bring Roundabouts to our area which are a traffic and safety measures which also help minimize gas consumption.
A Strong Financial Future
I have been Budget Chair for the past 4 years, bringing fiscal experience and leadership to ensure a sustainable plan. I will continue to contain expenses through Road Asset Management Plan, use technology to improve services and continue to develop more partnerships with other levels of government as well as developing public/private partnerships. I will also continue to work to actively implement our Economic Development Strategy by bringing industry to our community which will positively affect our tax rate. My philosophy is to take care of the Town's assets, provide existing day to day services and provide for capital costs of growth. I will continue to work hard to spend your tax dollars wisely and efficently.
Whitby- Open for Business
Mixed use, commercial and industrial development will be the "Gateway into Brooklin" alongside the 407 expanding our Historic Downtown. I will work with industry, business and our Economic Development Team to bring a better balance of commercial, industry and residential that will provide tax relief to our residents. I will ensure that Council provides appropriate zoning requirements so this area will be attractive for industry and that our processes at the Town will be streamlined where possible. Along with my Council collegues we will continue to advocate for the timely construction of the 407 and the Link as well as the widening of Highway 7. I will implement our Economic Development Competitiveness Strategy which will provide a blueprint to follow and will let everyone know that Brooklin/Whitby is "Open for Business".
Historic Downtown Brooklin - Proud of our Heritage
I will continue discussions with MTO for a Baldwin Street truck bypass, resulting in Town ownership of the roadway and a full signal traffic light at Campbell and Baldwin Street, having a very positive effect on our Downtown. The successful Facade Grant Program will be expanded to ensure our businessowners have an opportunity to upgrade their exterior facades. I will continue to make investments in our Downtown on an annual basis. I will work with the Brooklin Downtown Development Steering Committee and the Downtown Brooklin Business Association to look into the feasibility of developing a B.I.A. I will work with developers and LACAC Heritage Whitby to ensure that any new infill development in our Downtown is welcomed and adheres to the Brooklin Heritage Conservation District. Continuing to work with our Downtown Development Office will assist in promoting our Historic Downtown .
Recreational, Cultural & Institutional Opportunites Abound
I will support and encourage the Lakeridge Health Hospital Task Force team and the LHIN to bring a fully operational teaching Hospital to the North Ward. As the North Ward continues to grow we will need to bring on more recreational facilities. There will be a Master Plan to redevelop Memorial Park, of which I am very supportive and I look forward to public input on what everyeone would like to see on this site. We will also need to find a location in the North for additional pad space for hockey/lacrosse and an aquatics centre would be certainly well used. A baseball and soccer field complex rounds out the facilites that I see needed in the North Ward. I am very open to looking for partnerships during the process of planning for these facilities. I will continue to support, encourage and expand programs for our youth and seniors.
My Role as Councillor - My Philosophy
I will continue to be accessible, accountable and approachable which are key to my role as Councillor. As Chair of various meetings, I welcome and encourage public engagement. My monthly articles in the Brooklin Town Crier keep the community informed about what is happening at Town Hall. Being out in the community daily allows residents the opportunity to speak with me in an informal setting. I will continue to make the entire budget process much more open and inviting to the public. Through our Cityworks program, residents are assured that their concerns and queries are looked after in an timely and professional manner.
Today I will be out visiting the residents on a the last few streets remaining in my ward and I am looking forward to speaking with as many of you as I can. Hopefully the weather improves - if it doesn't the umbrella is coming out!
Meet the Candidates Event
Residents get up close and personal with Whitby election candidates
Oct 20, 2010 - 03:34 PM
WHITBY -- To cast a meaningful vote in the municipal election, Viola Sames knows it's not enough to simply acknowledge the signs, skim the flyers and watch the debates.
Face-to-face contact with the candidates is the only way to seal the deal on who she'll be supporting, she said during a Meet the Candidates event, held at Henry Street High School in Whitby on Oct. 19.
"You hear all about what they're going to do but it makes a huge difference to have them actually tell you because you can talk to them, too, and it has a lot to do with first impressions," said Ms. Sames, a resident of Whitby for seven years.
She and her husband Klaus were among hundreds who made it out to the event, hosted by the Whitby Optimist Club to offer the community a final glimpse at who's vying to represent them.
"We just wanted to see the candidates because otherwise you never really get to see them up close," said Mr. Sames, who already knows who he's voting for.
Each of the more than 30 candidates running in Whitby was present at the event, They had their display booths set up and members of their campaign teams on hand to greet visitors.
The Optimist Club has hosted the event for every election since 1997 as a means of reaching out to the community. Election day is Oct. 25.
"It gives them one-on-one, direct access to the candidates and it's the only way to level the playing field for all of them," said Alan Wackett, a member of the club for 10 years.
"It's great for the candidates and it's great for the public."
North ward councillor Sue Pitchforth, who is running to keep her seat, said the evening offered a rare opportunity to meet with some of the town's newer residents.
"A lot of the people I spoke to today are new to Whitby and Brooklin so they've seen all the literature but they haven't actually met anybody yet," she said.
"It's so much nicer when you can actually speak to someone and see first-hand how they address your concerns, what they're about, how passionate they are and what they can do for you."
While he may not yet be old enough to vote, 15-year-old Curtis Proctor made it out to the event to gather information for a civics course he's taking at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School.
"I'm interested in politics and knowing what people plan to do for the community so I really wanted to meet some of them," he said, adding he'll pass the information onto his teachers and parents.
The large turnout at the event is what most impressed Scott Templeton, who is sign chairman for mayoral candidate Rocky Varcoe.
"It was nothing like this four years ago so it's pretty amazing to see how many people are interested in the election this year," he said. "It really tells you there's change in the air."
Whitby Optimist Club All Candidates Meeting
I hope that you take the opportunity on October 25th to vote and I ask that you vote to re-elect me as North Ward Councillor. Thank you!
Whitby This Week Endorsement for North Ward Councillor
Whitby This Week offers its picks for mayor, council and school boards
Oct 20, 2010 - 04:30 AM
Election day looms for voters in Whitby to choose the men and women who will lead their municipal government for the next four years. Candidates have formed their positions, debated their points and made the effort to make a difference in the community. Following are the candidates whose enthusiasm, ideas and experience This Week believes would create the best municipal council to lead Whitby over the next term of office.
North Ward:
Already well known throughout the Brooklin community and other parts of northern Whitby, Sue Pitchforth remains a friendly and accessible representative to constituents in her ward. As chairwoman of budget deliberations for the Town, Ms. Pitchforth has keen insight into budgetary demands and pressures, knows the numbers and should continue to bring those skills to bear. Growth pressures in the north ward will continue to claim time, effort and resources to manage; Ms. Pitchforth is well suited to continue the effort for the next term of office.
-- Whitby This Week
Celebrating Our Youth Awards Evening
Vote Today! - Advanced Poll Open
Whitby Municipal Elections - Advanced Poll Now Open!
It's our democratic right!
Don't have the ability to vote on Monday October 25th? Municipal Elections Advanced Polls are now open!
Date: Sunday Oct 17th 1pm to 8 pm
Locations: St. Leo the Great Catholic Church
Parish Hall, 130 Watford St, Brooklin
Town of Whitby Municipal Building
Meeting Hall, 575 Rossland Rd E
Iroquios Park Sports Complex
Fireside Room, 500 Victoria St W
"Think of it as the ultimate way to thank all who have given their lives for their county so that we have the freedom to choose our government officials."
Brooklin, Ashburn, Myrtle, Myrtle Station & The North Ward .........Thank You!
Whitby Professional Firefighters Support Is Appreciated!
Please click here for more info:
Brooklin Business Meet & Greet with Candidates
Brooklin All Candidates Meeting
Rogers TV Election Message -
Monday, October 18 @ 6:30 PM
Tuesday, October 19 @ 7:00 PM
Thursday, October 20 @ 3:00 AM
Friday, October 22 @ 8:00 PM
Sunday, October 24 @ 7:00 PM
1st Annual Senior Fest at Brooklin Harvest Festival
Station Gallery Historic Plaque Unveiling
Celebrating 40 years of Arts & Culture in Whitby at the Station Gallery and unveiling of the Historic Plaque with members of LACAC Heritage Whitby.
If you have not had a chance to visit the Station Gallery I encourage you to drop by and help support the arts in Whitby.
Whitby Council Continues to Provide Strong Representation
Whitby council continues to provide strong representation
Jun 25, 2008 - 04:30 AM
This year's grade: A-
Last year's grade: A-
You can be sure of three things in life: death, taxes and a solid performance from the eight members who make up Whitby Town council.
While the taxes part of the equation certainly has elicited some concern as Whitby taxpayers were hit with a 6.6 per cent increase last year, local representation has once again been very good.
If there's one thing Whitby council always scores high on, it's the ability of the octet to pull together for the greater good of the people they work for: you.
Led by a strong leader in Mayor Pat Perkins, who continues to grow in the job she won in November 2006, Town and Regional councillors have a unified purpose in pursuing projects and policies that make Whitby a better place.
Joe Drumm, Gerry Emm and Don Mitchell have the right blend of experience and energy to ensure their Regional colleagues know where Whitby stands. Together with Mayor Perkins, they make their voices heard on a wide variety of issues.
Mayor Perkins and councillors Drumm and Mitchell, while always aware of what is best for Whitby, are also not afraid to speak their minds on issues they feel strongly about.
On the local side, councillors Sue Pitchforth, Elizabeth Roy, Shirley Scott and Lorne Coe are all passionate about taking their constituents' concerns to the council table. Councillor Pitchforth, especially, showed great skill in manoeuvring through difficult budget talks as chairwoman of the finance committee. Despite heated and tough discussions, she kept councillors on track and focused.
Coun. Scott has long been an advocate for local volunteers and shines in that role, while Coun. Coe wears the hat as the man of the people for his push to have citizen involvement at council.
With four grades of A, three grades of B+ and one B, this council overall rates an A- for its effectiveness.
I Believe In Strong Representation for the Residents of the North Ward
Town of Whitby 2010 municipal report cards
Jun 22, 2010 - 04:14 PM
Sue Pitchforth
Ward 1 North
This year's grade: A
Last year's grade: A
Attendance: Council 13/13, Committee 26/26
Expenses: $7,323
Despite her relaxed demeanour, Coun. Pitchforth knows how to get down to business, serving as chairwoman of both the operations committee and the budget deliberations for an unprecedented four years. Her cool-headed guidance during the March proceedings helped council breeze through all items on the budget with little or no contention. Her tireless energy is reflected in her perfect attendance of meetings and the long hours she dedicates to community initiatives. Coun. Pitchforth's cheerful charm allows people to feel comfortable in her presence and take heed of issues that matter the most to her. These include ensuring small businesses stay afloat, particularly in Brooklin, and preserving the town's heritage through her role on the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee.
Whitby council 2009 report cards
Jun 24, 2009 - 04:30 AM
Sue Pitchforth
Ward 1 North
This year's grade: A
Last year's grade: A
Coun. Pitchforth exudes a warm, earnest allure that makes her one of the most approachable members of council. With her plate already full through heavy involvement in the community, she boasts an exemplary attendance record and keeps herself up to speed in Town matters while serving as a calm and collected chairwoman of both the operations committee and budget proceedings. She stood strong on behalf of Brooklin small business owners in her refusal to allow massive commercial development outside of the Baldwin Street corridor, convincing the majority of council to take on the same position.
Attendance: Council 33/33, Committee 14/14
Advance Voting Information & Voting Day Locations
Advance Voting Locations - Polls Open to all Voters October 14, 15, 16 and 17, 2010. 1:00 pm-8:00 pm daily Locations: - St. Leo the Great Catholic Church - Parish Hall 130 Watford Street Brooklin - Town of Whitby Municipal Building - Meeting Hall 575 Rossland Road East - Iroquois Sports Complex - Fireside Room (Sports Garden Cafe) 500 Victorian Street West - Voting Day Locations - Polls Open 10:00 am - 8:00 pm October 25, 2010. Ward Polling Subdivision Facility Address 1 101 St. Charles Garnier French Catholic School 4101 Baldwin Street South 1 102 Blair Ridge Public School 100 Blackfriar Avenue 1 103 Winchester Public School 70 Watford Street 1 104 St. Bridget Catholic School 200 Carnwith Drive West |
Questions? Concerns? Please Contact Me
Downtown Revitalization
I Have Been Proud to Support the Following Initiatives at Council on Behalf of the North Ward
Chair & Moderator of the 7th Annual Summit - The Future of Canada's Infrastructure
First Fully Accessible Park in Whitby
Brooklin Harvest Festival
Meet the Candidates Evening Hosted by the Whitby Optimist Club
Come & Join Me At The Brooklin All Candidates Meeting
Downtown Brooklin - New Development is Coming!
Our Historic Downtown
The Business and Professional Women's Club of Durham
I had the pleasure of attending this special Durham Candidates Political Forum Sept 22, 2010 hosted by The Business and Professional Womens Club of Durham. The evening was an excellent opportunity to share ideas and discuss important issues regarding children and women in our community. Thank you to the organizers for inviting me to attend.
New Dedicated Bicyle Lanes in Brooklin
Expansion Ceremony of the Ajax/Whitby Community Garden
My Vision for the Next Four Years- Important Issues I will be Working on for Our Future
Growth in the North Ward
I will use our Official Plan, which will guide a sensible, sustainable, "Made in Whitby" growth strategy, while providing opportunity to shape our future with a strong public voice. I will work toward preserving our hamlets, protecting green, natural areas and creating pedestrian friendly growth, while maintaining our community values. I will fight for rules and guidelines where intensification should occur. It should be rational and not have a negative impact on the surrounding areas. Our Transportation Plan and Cycling & Trails Plan will also lay a strong foundation and will work hand in hand to create a vibrant, accessible community where our decisions will affect how our residents get to work, how you shop, how you spend your recreation time and how the community will look. I will explore Green Opportunities where ever possible and will work with Public Works and the community to bring Roundabouts to our area which are a traffic and safety measures which also help minimize gas consumption.
A Strong Financial Future
I have been Budget Chair for the past 4 years, bringing fiscal experience and leadership to ensure a sustainable plan. I will continue to contain expenses through Road Asset Management Plan, use technology to improve services and continue to develop more partnerships with other levels of government as well as developing public/private partnerships. I will also continue to work to actively implement our Economic Development Strategy by bringing industry to our community which will positively affect our tax rate. My philosophy is to take care of the Town's assets, provide existing day to day services and provide for capital costs of growth. I will continue to work hard to spend your tax dollars wisely and efficently.
Whitby- Open for Business
Mixed use, commercial and industrial development will be the "Gateway into Brooklin" alongside the 407 expanding our Historic Downtown. I will work with industry, business and our Economic Development Team to bring a better balance of commercial, industry and residential that will provide tax relief to our residents. I will ensure that Council provides appropriate zoning requirements so this area will be attractive for industry and that our processes at the Town will be streamlined where possible. Along with my Council collegues we will continue to advocate for the timely construction of the 407 and the Link as well as the widening of Highway 7. I will implement our Economic Development Competitiveness Strategy which will provide a blueprint to follow and will let everyone know that Brooklin/Whitby is "Open for Business".
Historic Downtown Brooklin - Proud of our Heritage
I will continue discussions with MTO for a Baldwin Street truck bypass, resulting in Town ownership of the roadway and a full signal traffic light at Campbell and Baldwin Street, having a very positive effect on our Downtown. The successful Facade Grant Program will be expanded to ensure our businessowners have an opportunity to upgrade their exterior facades. I will continue to make investments in our Downtown on an annual basis. I will work with the Brooklin Downtown Development Steering Committee and the Downtown Brooklin Business Association to look into the feasibility of developing a B.I.A. I will work with developers and LACAC Heritage Whitby to ensure that any new infill development in our Downtown is welcomed and adheres to the Brooklin Heritage Conservation District. Continuing to work with our Downtown Development Office will assist in promoting our Historic Downtown .
Recreational, Cultural & Institutional Opportunites Abound
I will support and encourage the Lakeridge Health Hospital Task Force team and the LHIN to bring a fully operational teaching Hospital to the North Ward. As the North Ward continues to grow we will need to bring on more recreational facilities. There will be a Master Plan to redevelop Memorial Park, of which I am very supportive and I look forward to public input on what everyeone would like to see on this site. We will also need to find a location in the North for additional pad space for hockey/lacrosse and an aquatics centre would be certainly well used. A baseball and soccer field complex rounds out the facilites that I see needed in the North Ward. I am very open to looking for partnerships during the process of planning for these facilities. I will continue to support, encourage and expand programs for our youth and seniors.
My Role as Councillor - My Philosophy
I will continue to be accessible, accountable and approachable which are key to my role as Councillor. As Chair of various meetings, I welcome and encourage public engagement. My monthly articles in the Brooklin Town Crier keep the community informed about what is happening at Town Hall. Being out in the community daily allows residents the opportunity to speak with me in an informal setting. I will continue to make the entire budget process much more open and inviting to the public. Through our Cityworks program, residents are assured that their concerns and queries are looked after in an timely and professional manner.
Experience & Leadership Skills
During this past term on Council I have had the opportunity to:
About Sue
For the last 15 years Sue, her husband Mike and son Chris have made Brooklin their home. Brooklin offered them a sense of community and a safe, vibrant place to raise a family. She is a dedicated volunteer in the community, giving many hours of her time and talents where needed. From participating in Scouting, School SCC's, BAM Lions Club, President of Group 74, mentor to youth and volunteering on many fundraising efforts, she is an active, passionate person who enjoys giving back to the community. Proud winner of the 2008 Phenomenal Women Award in Durham Region, she has enjoyed meeting and working with many members of the community and helped to shape the North Ward and the Town of Whitby. A successful business owner, she has operated her decorating/homestaging business "Room for Change" for 10 years here in Brooklin. She also is co-owner of "Lets Do Lunch" a businessowner's luncheon series based in Durham Region that bring dynamic businessowner's together to connect while raising funds and awareness for many local charities. Both businesses offer Sue the opportunity to reach out into the community and really make a difference each day. As a member of Council for the past two terms, Sue has gained a great deal of experience and looks forward to continuing her dedicated, passionate and accountable representation of the residents of the North Ward. Her calm demeanor, organized and businesslike approach is reflected in her perfect attendance at meetings and the long hours she dedicates to her constituents, their issues and concerns. |
Re-Elect Sue Pitchforth - North Ward 1 Councillor - An Open Letter

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to connect with you. I have had the distinct pleasure of representing you and your neighbours on Whitby Town Council for the last two terms and I am seeking re-election for one more term. These last seven years have certainly provided us many opportunities to gather in your homes and in the community to have many conversations regarding important issues in the North Ward & The Town of Whitby. I have found these opportunities extremely valuable as your Councillor.
I hope that my monthly article in the Brooklin Town Crier provides you with an ongoing opportunity to keep up to date on what is happening in our Town.
Some of the many issues we have faced and you have provided much valued input on include: we now have fire protection in the North Ward with a new Brooklin Fire Hall, establishment of the Brooklin & McKinney Youth Rooms to help engage our youth, working with Police, Roadwatch and staff on traffic and safety concerns, Preservation of a One Downtown in Brooklin, 407 expansion and 401-407 Link - design and route, bringing more doctors into our community, transit service, Budget deliberations, the construction of the Brooklin Community Centre & Library and the adoption of the Brooklin Heritage Conservation District in Downtown Brooklin.
The Provincial Places to Grow Legislation is impacting all communities in Southern Ontario including us. We are working together for the future of our entire community with reports such as: Official Plan Review, Intensification Strategy, Economic Development Strategy, Transportation Master Plan, Various Accessibility Reports, Leisure Trails & Cycling Plan and the future of Cullen Central Park just to name a few. Your input continues to be invaluable as these reports will form the foundation in planning our community for the future.
It has always been very important to me to listen to your concerns and suggestions on all issues to represent "Your Voice" on Council.
Having had the opportunity to be the Chair of Finance over this last term has provided me the fiscal experience and leadership to ensure our community has a long range sustainable financial plan. This plan invests in our infrastructure and provides the resources necessary to deliver the services that our residents value. Having the ability to partner with the Federal and Provincial governments allowed the Town to undertake significant and much needed facility and park upgrades including Luther Vipond Memorial Arena without additional tax increases for the Town's residents. I will continue to provide my input to contain expenses, increase our efficiencies and revenues and to become more financially sustainable.
Ashburn, Myrtle & Myrtle Station and Macedonian Village are very unique and historic hamlets in our community and I will continue to work towards the protection and the preservation for future generations.
I have always been very involved in our community - through various organizations such as 1st Brooklin Scouting, Chair of Home Reading Program, President of Group 74 and most recently as a charter member of the Brooklin Ashburn Myrtle Lions Club. I believe in rolling up my sleeves and helping out where there is a need.
Over the months ahead I look forward to further connecting with you so we can continue to discuss issues that are important to you and I want to share with you my vision and goals for us to accomplish over the next term. I invite you to visit my website soon for further details.
In the meanwhile please feel free to contact me either by my home phone 905-655-7850 or my email mscpitchforth@rogers.com if you have any questions or concerns or would like to get together to discuss any issues.
I hope that you consider my contributions over the last two terms, my experience and passion for our community and the drive and vision I have for the next 4 years. I will continue to do my best to serve you in an accountable, friendly, professional and honest manner.
I ask for your support at the polls on October 25th. Sue Pitchforth - North Ward Councillor.
Sue Pitchforth